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We help law firms grow, be more profitable, and be better places to work.

Going beyond means visualizing our clients’ challenges, with academic knowledge, market research and years of experience. Our experience advising firms of different characteristics helps us to provide impactful information and allows us to create solutions for our clients based on long-term strategies.

What they say about us

Testimonials from our clients

We have had the opportunity to use BlackSwan's services on two occasions, in projects of high strategic importance for our organization. The advice received from Pérez+Partners has not only met but exceeded our expectations in terms of quality and timeliness. They have understood, like few others, the legal services market in Iberoamerica and our Firm's needs, allowing for a very efficient and fruitful interaction with the Firm and its members.

Martin Acero (Philippi Prieto Carrizosa DU Uria Chile, Colombia, Perú)

The experience of Black Swan has helped us improve our legal services sales techniques, and their advice has been a boost for our associates. Lawyers have praised the practical and engaging approach of the sessions, which helped make the training relaxed, useful, and motivating in commercial matters.

Jose Maria Buxeda

Black Swan makes the difficult seem easy. They are a highly professional team that instills immense confidence in the client due to their extensive knowledge of the legal sector. They approach projects in a serious, practical, and proactive manner. Without a doubt, a trusted ally.

Luis Fernando Guerra

The knowledge, rigor, and professionalism of Black Swan have helped us improve both personally and professionally within the firm, thereby enhancing the quality of our professional services.

César Albiaña

Our collaboration with Black Swan has been very satisfying. Their team members have a deep understanding of the legal sector and law firms' operations, while offering a service tailored to the client's needs, demonstrating great professionalism and discretion.


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